Hey there!

I'm Slice, and the page you just visited is one of my Websites.
I've poured my heart into it, and I hope you have a blast exploring the magic I've created.
Let's dive in and have some fun!

About Me

I'm Slice, a -year-old from Germany with a strong interest in all things tech.
Computers and programming have become a significant part of my life, and I enjoy immersing myself in
coding projects during my free time.
This ongoing journey has allowed me to discover my passion and motivates me to excel in the realm of technology.

I'm excited to share my experiences with you and appreciate your support on this journey!

My Projects


DuckLink is a project designed to make link management hassle-free.
With DuckLink, you can easily reroute multiple links into a single, easy-to-share URL
No more messy, long addresses – just a clean and efficient way to direct your audience.
Experience the convenience of DuckLink and streamline your link sharing today! 🦆🔗



Such a good page, with good content, trust.

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Please note that this website exclusively showcases my web-related projects. If you're curious about my other exciting ventures, such as game mods and more, feel free to explore them on my GitHub profile.

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Contact Me

If you want to chat, collaborate, or simply share a good meme, drop me a message through one of the methods below! I'm always up for meeting fellow web adventurers. Let's create something awesome together!